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6 Tips for Fresh Curls all Summer Long

Summer has arrived and if you’ve been anticipating the hottest season of the year, we feel you. Before you start prepping for those day parties and long days at the beach though, you need to equip your curls for the stress that the heat will put on them. And while it may be impossible to keep them from the summer’s sun, there are ways that you can work to keep them fresh each day.

Here are six ways to help your curls stay in tact this season.

Get your trims.

By now, it shouldn’t be a surprise that one of the top recommendations for having fresh hair year-round is to get a trim. Getting regular trims will help your hair stay healthy and strong, retain moisture, and help your styles last longer. And who doesn’t want that?

Let leave-in conditioners become your best friend.

If you’re not rocking with a leave-in conditioner, you need to change that as soon as you can. Even if you’ve applied a deep conditioner during your wash routine, using a leave-in like our Quench Moisture Intensive Leave-In can add the moisture that your hair will desperately need during the summer.

Hydrate yourself.

Although you should be hydrating yourself all year long, it’s especially important during the summertime. Not only does drinking water regularly help keep you hydrated and healthy, it will also do the same for your hair through its follicles.

Skip the heat.

If you’re accustomed to using heating tools for your styles, take a break from them this summer. The hot and humid days will already have a huge effect on your hair and can cause it to dry out daily. By adding heat to your hair, you will both dry out your hair and increase the potential of damage.

Protect your hair.

Having fun in the sun this summer may be what you’ve been looking forward to all year, but without the right protection, it can cause damage that’s difficult to reverse. Before stepping out for a good time, consider covering your curls with a scarf or hat to protect their health. Likewise, you can choose styles that provide ample protection to your hair like bantu knots, buns (to protect your ends), braids, faux locs, and more.

Add grapeseed oil into your routine.

Known for its many healthy hair benefits, grapeseed oil can provide long lasting moisture, restore shine and provide antioxidants that reduce hair loss. And since it’s so lightweight, it’s the perfect oil to add in your hair for summer. Our Grapeseed Collection and the Balance Grapeseed & Avocado oil are great products to use for this.

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